

If your job entails drawing up a list of who’s been naughty and nice, we have just the subject-matter expert for you. He’s a bit busy around Christmas time, but we should be able to make arrangements—

Oh, you say it’s not a list of who’s naughty and nice? It’s toy assembly instructions? That sounds like a job for the—

Oh, and you have a parts list? Would that be for sleighs or snowmobiles? Just wondering if you need someone with special expertise in reindeer-driven apparatuses.

* * *

All joking aside, when it comes to writing up lists, translating copy, checking proofs, or doing just about anything with words, you need an expert. Not just someone who knows about words, but someone who knows what the words are talking about.

It all makes sense when you think about. A smart, bilingual lawyer could probably do a decent job of translating a legal text, but not so much a poem. A translator who knows all about hardwood flooring is a good choice for a hardwood flooring company, but maybe not for a nuclear power plant. And if you have a financial forecast to translate, better a translator with a degree in finance than a diploma in welding.

That’s where TRSB comes in

Canada’s #1 translation provider is also Canada’s #1 source of subject-matter experts in translation. We match your job to the best resource:

  • so they know and can effortlessly wield the terminology in your field,
  • so they can work faster and more confidently, and
  • so the final result is idiomatic and technically flawless.

Translators are like orchestra musicians. Some play the violin, another plays the piano, still others play a wind instrument. And you can’t mix them up without jeopardizing your performance.

There’s more

Unlike smaller agencies or freelance operations, TRSB has a complete department of trained terminologists who work hand in hand with the translators. That means that if a highly specialized or unfamiliar term pops up, the translator can refer it to the terminology team and get on with their job of translating the text. The terminologists will research and finalize the matter.

With decades in the business, we also have one of Canada’s richest databases of high-quality translations. Our translators and neural engines can draw on this work.

What’s your specialty?

Just tell us and we’ll get right to work putting together a crack team of translators who know your stuff. After all, we’re TRSB, the subject-matter experts!

Contact us