A big part of doing business in Quebec is ensuring that you comply with Quebec’s language laws. The Charter of the French Language and Bill 96 (An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Quebec) set down a series of specific requirements with regard to the use of French in business. This blog article provides a summary.
Business opportunities
Being in compliance can open the door to business opportunities—the French-speaking world represents 20% of all global commerce and 16% of the world’s gross national product. In Quebec, it qualifies you to bid on government contracts and positions your business strategically with Quebec consumers, who appreciate being served in French.
You have questions, we have answers
The big question is where to begin. We can help. Cost is obviously a concern, so you’ll want to make sure you carefully identify what needs translating and how to do it cost-effectively. You’ll also need to understand what extra steps are involved if you require francization certification. We perform a complete analysis of your business environment and walk you through each step in the process.
Customized solutions
We do more than just translate:
- We help you prioritize your translation needs.
- We mobilize the resources needed to meet your deadlines.
- We guide you through the certification process.
- We inform and train your in-house teams as required.
- We keep a tight rein on your budget.
Case study
The human resources department of a leading Canadian bank entrusted TRSB with hundreds of documents to translate. The deadline was very tight and costs were a concern. We proactively suggested a postediting process that accelerated the work while reducing expenses and maintaining quality. The project was a success and was rolled out to other departments within the bank.
Let us help you navigate Quebec’s language landscape. Contact us today!