

Don’t court trouble. Here’s what you need to know.

Legal translation is its own field with its own specialists. It’s important to understand what can go wrong and what is at risk.

We say “legal” translation for documents that could be used in a court of law, such as contracts, warranties, consent forms, contest rules, or even actual laws.

Every business has legal documents

You don’t have to be a lawyer to have legal documents. Being in business is enough. Law firms, courts of law, regulatory authorities, and government are the biggest users, but every business encounters legal documents at some point or another.

What’s different about it?

There are critical issues in legal translation, more than in other fields. It’s important to understand what can go wrong and what is at risk. Let’s have a look:

1. Legal translation uses a specialized vocabulary.

Many of the terms and expressions used in legal texts are set in stone. You can’t say one thing one day and something else the next, because each word’s meaning must always be crystal clear and always the same. That means the translator has to know these words or know where to find them, usually in a text of law.

2. There is no room for creativity.

Being creative and fun is okay in a marketing text, but not in your legal texts. You get no bonus points for style, only for clarity and meaning. Legal texts are not literature and are not meant to entertain.

3. There are different legal systems, even within a single country.

A good example is Canada, which uses the civil code in Quebec and common law everywhere else. This is a relic of history with very modern-day repercussions—a text that is fine in Ontario or New Brunswick may have to be completely overhauled for Quebec. Your translator needs to be familiar with both. Similar issues arise in other countries, including the U.S.

4. There are subspecialties in legal translation.

Not all legal documents are created equal. They cover an array of specialties, such as tax law, criminal law, trademarks, notarized acts, and many more. Not only does your translator need to know about the law, they also need to know about the particular type of law being addressed in your text.

5. Some jurisdictions regulate legal translation requirements.

Here again, Canada stands as an example with its federal Official Languages Act and Quebec’s Charter of the French Language, which set out a number of requirements. In 2022 Quebec brought in the Act respecting French, the official and common language of Quebec, creating new requirements for French and in some cases specifying who must translate the texts. Belgium, Switzerland, and the European Union are other notable examples of jurisdictions with language laws.

6. Confidentiality is paramount.

Legal translation is not the only field of translation where confidentiality is important, but lack of confidentiality can have huge consequences in legal contexts. You need to inquire how your translation provider is protecting your information.

7. Deadlines are often tight.

Many legal texts must be delivered on tight, court-imposed deadlines. Failing to do so could see cases dismissed. When you’re working against the clock, make sure you have a Plan B should something go wrong or get delayed.

8. Mistranslations are costly.

Making a mistake in a product catalog may cost you a sale or two, but making a mistake in a legal translation could cost you whole lot more. In one famous case (Bell Canada vs Bell Aliant Regional Communications), a dispute over a comma went all the way to Canada’s Supreme Court.

Best practices in legal translation

Forewarned is forearmed, so let’s see what conclusions we can draw from all of the above:

1. Don’t do it yourself.

Unless you yourself are a lawyer and have professional training in translation, it’s not a good idea to improvise. It’s too risky and it’s not a good use of your time.

2. Don’t give it to just any translator

Some translators know all about fashion, and that’s good if you’re a fashion retailer. But when an employment contract comes up for translation, you should step away from your fashion specialist and give the translation to somebody else. Take the time to find the right resource.

3. Ensure quality control

This rule is really about risk management. Anybody can slip up, so make sure a process is in place to catch mistakes. Ask yourself what could happen if something is amiss, and add any QC steps you feel are appropriate. At very minimum, your translator’s first draft must undergo a line-by-line quality control check by another seasoned translator.

4. Ensure confidentiality

It’s important to ask your translator how they ensure confidentiality. In today’s world, you can’t be too careful.

5. Use a professional firm

It’s best to deal with a firm that handles legal translation every day. They know exactly what you need and will provide it. They are also a great source of advice about language laws.

The TRSB difference

TSRB is the smart answer. Here’s why you should consider entrusting your legal translation requirements to us:

1. We have an entire legal and regulatory division

Our legal translators work together as a team in a stimulating environment that provides ongoing professional development. They are your key to peace of mind.

2. Our translators are backed by a team of project managers

Our project managers match your work to the right professional and make sure each text undergoes all necessary quality control checks and is delivered on time. Our rigorous processes are also ISO certified.

3. Our translators are also backed by a team of terminologists

Our terminologists step in to research important points of language and terminology whenever necessary, so that our translators can stay laser-focused on your deadline.

4. Confidentiality is guaranteed at all times

As Canada’s translation leader, we have a complete tech support team at TRSB that ensures that all translations are handled in accordance with the strictest standards of confidentiality.

5. We use the most advanced databases and neural translation tools on the market

Our worktools are custom tailored for legal translation. Our professionals can interrogate advanced databases and translation memories to locate specific legal references and wordings as required.

6. We can save you money

We check each text that comes in the door to see if there are ways to save time and money. If a text is legal in nature but not technically complex, we may suggest translating it using our advanced neural engines, then having seasoned legal translators check it word by word. It’s faster, quality is guaranteed, and you’ll avoid the expensive hourly fees that law firms charge. We’ll tell you what’s best for every text.

When you choose TRSB, you’re choosing Canada’s translation leader—and peace of mind for your legal translations.

Contact us today!